Pudding time


The root of the word CAKE , far back in antiquity meant lump and up to the 15th century, any lumps of dough was called a cake.

Handmade brass cutlery by Dhaj - cake server

Pudding could contain a whole variety of ingredients from meat, to fish or fowl, fruits or vegetables and were the earliest food to be served with flat-blade slicers and servers.

Prototyping the brassware - cake server

The use of various metal pudding and cake slicers in iron, pewter, brass and silver is documented as far back as 16th century.

Also known as a cake shovel, pie knife, crèpe spade, pie lifter , or pelle à gateaux .

handmade brass cutlery -Cake server's blade
Dhaj brassware, cake server handmade in brass - serve the cake

Serving cake is a tricky business.

It’s better in one piece on a plate, not ending up a broken soggy mess on the floor.

To serve a cake, tarte or pie you will need one of these.

artisanal and handmade barss cutlery
making of cake server

 Especially to serve your cake, tarte, pudding, flan,  pie or quiche or any item of food that is cut into wedge-shaped slices.

cake server brassware - handmade brass cutlery by Dhaj

Cake-like puddings, both savoury and sweet were often eaten at meal times and in England, dinner was often called pudding time. The most practical and pleasing way to serve cake is to use the flat, triangular shaped serving blade with a handle attached. Just like these!